Friday, March 18, 2011


Unfortunately, the situation in Japan is very sad and very slow moving. They have restored power to the damaged nuclear plant, and are very slowly testing all the systems to try to contain further damage.

Also unfortunately, John and I are in the worst possible situation. We were at the cusp of our a matter of fact, four days from it before being told to hold as you can imagine, we have nothing in our house and are being told that now they can not pick up our household goods....this is unfortunate because we're already moving out of our apartment in four days.

Today we went to household goods and pleaded with them to take our stuff as we will be losing the apartment at the end of the month. They agreed to take our household goods and place it in storage in San Diego until further word is received about our situation. Household goods said they have received orders to make no further shipments to Japan until further notice.

So, what's going to happen?

Sadly, there isn't an easy answer to this question. It all depends on what happens at the damaged nuclear power plant in Japan. Since the power is restored to the facility, the best we can hope for is that they successfully contain the situation and avoid a complete meltdown. However, if it gets worse, then who knows how long we will be barred from Japan. I have read SO MANY blogs and articles and speculation on this whole thing and the long and short of it is NO ONE KNOWS. It's all 'someone heard that someone said...'

What do I think will happen? Honestly, I think in 30 days John will be returning to San Diego and Wylee and I will be headed to Alabama. I think John will be given the okay to enter Japan months before I'm allowed to arrive there.

Again though, this is only my speculation. I'm so frustrated and sad and just all around really tired.

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