The above picture is our sweet couch I posted on craigslist today. Within minutes of posting, I got five e-mails. There should be a guy coming to pick it up at 5 today....but if anyone reading has experience with craigslist, you know people can sometimes be unreliable. So, I'm not holding my breath....on the other hand, I hope he comes so we can get rid of it and earn a little extra cash.
John and I also tackled the task of cleaning our under the stairs storage closet. We pulled out all our winter coats and took them to the dry cleaner. When we arrived in San Diego from Virginia, we hung up our winter coats in the storage closet.....and that's where they've stayed. For three years. So, yeah, they're pretty dusty and I wouldn't wear any of them right now. In total there were six coats and three military winter uniforms we dropped off.
With our closet almost empty, I decided to try to contact the military moving office again (you know, the office in charge of actually packing up our household goods and shipping them to Japan). Once again I got the frustrating run around. I asked when we would know a firm date for the movers to come pick up our household goods....the lady had no firm answer.
Out of sheer frustration, John and I decided to combine our trip to the dry cleaners with stopping by the military base and going to the move office in person. I guess everyone that goes in that office in person is frustrated because BOY there a lot of angry people there. Many of them disgruntled and one even asking if he needed to get his lawyer do what, sir? To do what?
Luckily though, we were polite and they got things taken care of for us quickly. We should have the movers in our house on March 22 (which is....not even two weeks away! Yikes!) and that's the day our house should be completely devoid of EVERYTHING except for the items we will be travelling with.
I will be bringing two suitcases, Wylee, and a huge over the shoulder bag. John will be bringing two suitcases, a garment bag (as you have to arrive with your uniforms at your disposal and ready), his sea bag, and a carry on. That's it. Those are the items we have to live from until May or June.
I did find out today that we will be given an allowance for the entire period we are required to stay in a hotel. The allowance should be enough to offset the cost of the lodge until we find a permanent place.
Productive day! Now, let's all cross our fingers and hope that this guy comes around 5 to pick up our couch.
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