Friday, April 11, 2014

The journey ends here...

After three years of chronicling my time living in Japan, my blog ends here. There will be no more updates or information. If you're reading this remember that the information here is at least three years old (at the time of this post) and may be out-dated. Check official sites and follow up with your sponsors for the most updated information.

Don't be scared of moving to Japan. It's a wonderful country with a good military community. I had some of the most memorable times in my life in Japan. There's experiences we had there that we'll still be talking about many years in the future.

After nearly 26 hours of travel, I arrived in Alabama to my eagerly awaiting family. I'm glad to be back in the United States. You'll meet many Americans who have lived in Japan for years and years because they prefer it to the US. I'm not ashamed to admit that I LOVE living in the United States. Parking lots, well-stocked grocery stores, large cars, rude people, and cable television win me over every time.

I'm glad to be home, but I will be forever grateful that we got to experience life in Japan. Relax, don't stress about the move, and be prepared to have the experience of a lifetime.