Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To-do's today and cheating

I've been on vacation since last Friday, but it doesn't feel like vacation. Every day brings something new to do for the move. My motto is, "A little everyday and it'll get done." I am trying to avoid getting down to the wire and having so much to do it becomes overwhelming.

Today I need to:

- make an appointment with the military medical center to do my overseas screening
- make an appointment with my regular doctor to do my yearly physical, get a tetanus shot, get a terberculosis test (all required before I can attend my overseas screening)
- go to the military bank and get account activated, order debit cards

John is also going through the medical screening process. As soon as he completes it, we will be able to go to the military travel office and work with them to get our plane tickets. Which means, in the next few days we'll have an actual day we move!! Ahhhhh!!

Also, I broke my cardinal law, "Don't read about other people's experiences in Japan!" Part of the reason for this is because I want to discover it all for myself.....but part of it stems from not wanting to work myself into a nervous frenzy over other people's bad experiences.

I found a forum of military people living in Japan who share all their experiences good and bad. Of course, I focused on the bad and freaked out. It's like being pregnant and watching the show "I'm pregnant and my fetus has rabies!" Our brains latch on to these "Worst Case Scenarios" for some strange reason. Nevermind that there hundreds of military families who are already in Japan and living happy as clams.

Oh well, off to start my day! Here I go!

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