Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There'll be days like these

Wylee waits in anticipation for the vet

Today was a stressful day. Originally I had asked for the day off work to take care of all the things that needed to be done today, but the request was denied. Once you put in your two weeks notice, you are not allowed to take any sick or personal time, which is understood since that is time the company has given to you. However, vacation time is earned by the employee and can be used at the employer's discretion at any time. The company will either pay you out in the end (cash) or you can take the day, so either way, it's no gain/loss to them. I was told that I was needed at work to finish my duties. They couldn't spare me for one day. So I compromised and was out for a few hours in the morning.

Here was the to-do list today:

1. Take Wylee to the vet.

Wylee's preparedness is on a time line. We have to meet certain goals on certain days in order to have him ready for Japan in time. Today he got his 2nd rabies shot (exactly 15 days after the first one as specified by the Japanese government) and his rabies antibodies test to check and see if he is immune to rabies (also done 15 days after the first rabies shot). Since I didn't have the day off and John had doctors' appointments all day, Wylee also had to go into doggie day care for the day. I didn't have enough time to take him back home and then go to work. Total cost for all: $400

$ 55.00 - just the cost to talk to the vet, cost of the examination
$ 22.00 - cost of the rabies shot
$ 272.72 - cost of the antibodies test, includes them sending it to a Japanese approved lab here in the US
$30.00 - cost of doggie daycare
Grand total: $379.72

2. Stop by the eye doctor.

My new lenses that I paid $200 for came to my eye doctor's office. I had to stop by and drop off my frames. I didn't have time to stay and wait for them to fit the new lenses to my frames. So now, I am without glasses until Monday the 21st (the first day I will have to pick up my glasses). While this is not a horrible problem, it might cause me headaches for a few days.

3. Take the car to the shop.

Sure enough, right as I'm ready to sell my car a headlight goes out and something breaks underneath (not sure what). Two things I need to get fixed before I can sell my car. Also need to get a car wash and clean out the inside of my car. Need to take pictures and then plaster all selling venues with my ad. No time to do any of this today, so it has been pushed back to this weekend and Monday (which is President's Day and a company holiday).

So, am I stressed right now? Absoutely. However, something tells me this is just foreshadowing for things to come. I think once I quit my job and have about 20 days of "free" time in March, things will really start to fall into place. It's just hard juggling a full-time job while preparing for a huge international move. Bring on the next day, I say!

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