Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost time!

This is a picture of Wylee waiting enthusiastically at the Vet's office. Today with the vet and the USDA was a horrible all around experience. Basically, I drove to Nashville for nothing...a three hour round trip journey for nothing. The vet gave me the wrong Health Certificate and the USDA refused to certify anything due to this issue.

So near tears I called the military vet back in Huntsville and they said they could straighten things out for me. I drove back to Huntsville and straight onto the base (Huntsville has an Army base). The military vet stayed open just to see me and help get my paperwork straight. Total cost to me = $2. That military vet was a huge help. Wish I had thought of that from the beginning.

In other news we have our plane tickets!! We leave at 7am on Thursday and arrive in Japan at 2pm on Friday! We have bus reservations to the base, a reservation for Wylee at the kennel and a reservation for ourselves at the Navy Lodge for one month! I'm so excited to get to Japan and start my new adventure! I can't wait to have all my stuff back and be with John.

Speaking of John, I see him tomorrow! I leave Huntsville at 6am (early!) and get to San Diego at 10:30 in the morning. We get one night in San Diego and then we are on our way! Yay! So exciting and ready for this to happen. I will miss my family so much, though. There's something really comforting about being home and with your family. My soul and mind are definitely recharged.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. ahh! I'm worried about this! What is the "wrong" health certificate for a dog and which is the right?


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