Monday, April 4, 2011


For those of you who know what elote is....yes, yes I am dedicating an entire blog post to go on about the heaven that is....elote...

Elote (pronounced el-o-tay) is simply a Spanish word for corn on the cob. However, in some parts of Mexico they prepare the corn on the cob in a special way and call the dish simply, elote, after the main ingredient. The great thing about language is that several words can describe one thing (such as in English, we have: soda, pop, and coke) there are other names for the heavenly dish I'm about to describe, but I know it as elote.

Firstly, elote is usually not found in restaurants or stores. It's sold by street vendors who walk around the neighborhoods honking a bicycle horn and pushing a food cart. I am aware of the risk of eating from street food vendors, but I have to say I don't care. I'm not a picky eater and there's very few things I won't try or eat. So bring on the elote!

The street vendors usually speak only Spanish and I'm proud to say I can confidently order an elote without problem. "Elote, por favor con mayonesa y queso y chile." That's corn on the cob lightly covered in mayo, parmesan cheese, then drowned in chile sauce.....on a stick...the cost is usually about $1.

Then you eat it much like a popsicle, it's messy and delicious! Since we usually are in San Jose over Thanksgiving, I always have on before Thanksgiving dinner. Clearly, they're not the best food for healthy eating, but once I. A great while, it's very worth it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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