Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eating My Words

One of the things I said I'd miss about the US is "one-stop-shops" like Super Wal-Marts, Targets, etc. Basically warehouse sized buildings where you can buy everything under the sun in one place. Well, I was wrong about them not having them in Japan. They do. And they have them in sizes bigger than I could've ever imagined.

Take your normal Super Wal-Mart, now stack it up five times high....that's Homes. When we first arrived, John and I thought Homes would be very similar to Home Depot, they have the same orange square and white font as the Home Depot logo. John's friend assured us it was much more than just your average Home Dept.

The first floor had groceries, liquor, household items, lumber, tatami mats, knick knacks, clothes, a McDonalds, and a pet store. The second floor had aisles and aisles of home furnishings such as couch and loveseat sets, living room furniture, beds, bed frames, etc. The rest of the floors were dedicated solely to a parking structure.

Fascinated, I strolled the aisles, looking at almost everything. Of course, I encountered Japanese people who became impatient being stuck behind me, but then I thought about how quickly we speed through Wal-Mart knowing exactly what we need and where it's located so we can make a hasty exit.

Below are some pictures of things I saw today, for your perusal:

 This is a weeing angel. The blue circle next to the angel's head says something like "anytime, anywhere." However, something I saw on the display lead me to believe it was a cloth for wiping water off your windshield before you drive. Looking at the packaging now, though, I'm not sure what lead me to believe that.
This is an iguana that was in the pet store section. I don't think he was for sale and he was at least as long as I am tall.

Let's hear it for Alabama! In Japan! With a circle that says North Carolina! Woo!

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