Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Japanese Bug Fighting

In one of the malls John and I went to, there was a pet store. The pet store sold your normal gambit of puppies, birds, and rodents (no cats...the Japanese are a little icked out by cats for some reason). Additionally, the pet store also sold BATTLE BUGS! DUN-DUN-DUUUUUNNNN!!!

Yes, the two beetles pictured above were two of the bugs you could purchase. They also had some scorpions, centipedes, and other bugs I couldn't identify. You could buy food for them, large cages, bedding, basically everything you need to care for them. Then, for sport, you pit your bug against a friend's bug and they battle to the death (or until one beetle flips on it's back)! I guess there's no PETA (or PETI) in Japan.

Each bug is assigned a "category" and I guess they can only fight other bugs in that category. Anyway, it's a pretty big past time. Thought I would share with my readers so that everyone can share in my nightmares after having seen these massive beetles up close and face-to-face.

If you have time or care, there is a website dedicated to videotaping and showing these fights (japanesebugfights.com). The website is super simple and has a variety of videos to watch, if you're into that.

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