Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finally getting outside the box

We move out of the Navy Lodge on Monday. It seems like strokes of genius strike me when I least need them. Firstly, John and I have made a goal of being multi-thousandairres by the time we leave Japan. In San Diego, we got into the bad habit of when we wanted something we bought it. Now, we wait a few days to see if we still REALLY want something.

This also means not buying things just because we don't have them right now. For example, I have a full set of pots, pans, and dishes in our households goods shipment. Those should be here in the first week of July. I'm moving into my home on Monday, but I am sad I won't be able to cook right away. I'm also sad I've been unable to use anything but a microwave to cook since arriving in Japan. Last night I saw a slow cooker on sale for $12......we accidentally left our slow cooker behind in San Jose and I find it is one of my favorite kitchen appliances.

I then went to the commissary and bought locally grown carrots, onions, and US grown potatoes. I also bought some chopped beef. Voila! Beef stew! Why didn't I think to do this weeks ago?? I also wanted to buy an electric griddle, but I can't think of any other time I might use one, so I had to drop this idea.

I think when I move out into town, I'm going to do some grocery shopping at a Japanese farmer's market (mom, dad, and sis will get to go!) and pick up some amazingly fresh ingredients to whip up a delicious meal.

Here's a picture of my crock pot stew:

1 comment:

  1. That looks awesome, and I'm all about the financial "diet," in theory at least. ^_^


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