Monday, June 27, 2011


I have managed to take the trash out three days in a row with no incident! On some level it feels like I'm winning this Game of Trash. If they take my trash today, I will have completed a complete trash cycle and don't need to change anything about what I'm doing.

Sorting the trash so precisely makes you really think about what you're throwing away. For example with the label peeled off and the jar rinsed, a jar that was once used for potato chip dip looks like it could have a second life as a craft jar or pencil holder.

Once again, I apologize for the updates being so slow lately. We do have the Internet, but it will only connect on John's computer and not mine. Once we get our desktop computer we can set up our wireless network and it will be back to business as usual.

The theatre manager job I applied for is following up with my references. I should know by the end of this week if I got the job. I didn't want to take a regular full-time job where I have to worry about accruing sick and vacation time. With this job I can take off when I need to, which will allow me to pursue my roller derby, explore Japan, and stay with any US visitors who come to stay with us.

Of course I have a ton more updates. Our landlady invited us and her other American renters over for dinner and I have a video of our house. I'll be updating sporadically until we get our household goods, which shouldn't be too much longer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh I wanna hear more about your dinner? Since they gift back in Japan, does that mean it is customary for you to in turn invite her for dinner?

  2. Nah. I'm pretty sure return gifts are for material items.


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