Sunday, July 10, 2011


I know I haven't been posting much lately, but we still don't have our household goods. We're living in a half set up house consisting of the things we've bought while we are here. We walk a fine line between buying something we already have vs waiting for our shipment to arrive. Our goods should get here on July 13th and then from there I don't know how long it takes them to be delivered. Hopefully only a week or so....then when I get my items I can blog to my hearts content because I'll have a super fast computer to help me upload video.

Not much has been going on lately. I'm getting more comfortable driving these past several days. I've been forcing myself to drive to work (as opposed to taking a cab or biking) and it does get easier. The hardest part is trying to figure out how much room I have on the left side of my car because I'm not used to paying attention to the width of my car on that side. Luckily the Japanese are courteous drivers and tend to give people room on the road who display the "new driver" sticker.

Work has been going well so far. I can't belive I'm getting paid $500 every two weeks to do this job. I just stand around and if someone complains, I refund their money or offer them a free movie ticket. I get to manage people too and that's coming a little hard to me as I've never had to tell people what to do in a work situation. I work every other day so I have plenty of flexibility in my schedule.

John and I continue to take our Japanese language course. I wish it was more often than once a week as I feel like I learn a lot in the class and then forget it as soon as I'm out the door. Luckily a lot of the high school kids at the theatre speak fluent Japanese and are willing to listen to me stumble along and help me out.

We also had a big-ish earthquake yesterday morning. I didn't feel it right away because I was standing up, but I could see the cords to our appliances shaking as if an invisible breeze moved them. The earthquake lasted about a minute and there was apparently a tsunami warning further north from us.

Hopefully next week I can upload alll this video I took for you guys and show you our awesome halfway furnished house.


  1. We have been in japan for almost 10months and i still get alittle freaked out driving our van down some of these tiny roads. Hope your stuff gets there sooner than later.

  2. Thanks!! I'm hoping we'll get an update today! Fingers crossed!


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