Friday, August 12, 2011


Life here is getting easier and easier everyday. I'm learning a few key Japanese words and phrases and am learning to bow from the waist and not just bob my head (which makes you look silly, by the way). I'm getting very comfortable driving that it's starting to seem weird to me to drive on the other side of the road. John and I are falling into a routine between our two jobs and I'm really starting to get into this whole being a manager thing.

About the only thing that is not good right now is the heat. It's 91 degrees outside with humidity like I've never felt in the US. Everyone seems to think that if you're from the south you should be okay with the humidity in Japan. Nope. It's so incredibly humid here you need to change clothes by the time you walk to your destination, even if it's less than a mile. I can't wait for this heat to break. We'll be exploring more as soon as this gnarly heat wave leaves Japan.

1 comment:

  1. I knew things would start falling into place for you, I'm just glad to hear it's finally happening. You're doing so much, and I'm so happy for you.


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