Wednesday, August 24, 2011


After much though, John and I decided to cancel our Mt. Fuji trip this year. We kind of rushed into it because it was the last trip of the season, but then we realized we weren't very prepared. Climbing Mt. Fuji is something you need the ultimate zen in order to do. It's not some ho-hum easy walk climb. From where they drop you off, you climb about 6,000 - 7,000ft up. There are parts that are almost vertical straight and you find yourself on your hands and knees trying to make it up the mountain. Altitude sickness aside, the air becomes very thin and taking even a step can wear you out like you've been running all day.

John and I decided we'd rather do it with a group of friends. If someone falls behind at least there's a possibility they will have someone to fall behind with. One of my friends out here just finished climbing Mt. Fuji last weekend and she said it was one of the hardest things she's ever done in her life....and she's given take away from that what you will.

There are reports of people getting to the summit and jumping for joy and crying. Not because they were at the summit but because the climb was over. So, John and I are going to go for it next year when we feel a little more mentally prepared. Mt. Fuji is something you have to know you want to do 100% otherwise the climb can be the most horrible day of your life.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your preparations will make the climb a bit easier.


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