Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snow Storm?

What started out as a fun little flurry of snow has escalated into some sort of snow storm. I know people from places that get a ton of snow (like North Dakota, Wisconsin, or Alaska) are giggling, but to be fair, towns that receive a lot of snow annually have the implements to handle a snow storm. Yokosuka, which gets an inch a year, maybe, is in freak out mode because we're now up to about 3 inches.

I was going to go to base today and run some errands, but John just called and they're manning some sort of base readiness center and the schools are closing in 10 minutes. John told me not to come to base today and he'll figure out how to get home on his own. He said his car was slipping and sliding on the way into work.

Huge snowflakes won't stop.

Right outside our living room window.

Looks a little different than the previous picture.

From the bedroom window.

Snow in the hills.

1 comment:

  1. We live near Camp Zama and its crazy here. Schools have been let out, our guys have been sent home and we have been told not to drive unless necessary. So far we have had about 6-7inches and its still coming down. Stay warm and safe!


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