Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow Day 2013

Yesterday, mid-morning, people in my area started posting pictures on Facebook of snowy cars and houses with captions that said, "Snow in Yoko!" For a minute I thought, "How nice...." and for some reason completely forgot I lived in Yokosuka. A few seconds later when it all clicked, I ran to my window and flung open the curtains to discover HUGE, CHUNKY snowflakes falling to the ground. It was not only snowing, it was a full blown snow storm. The snow fell for a few hours, most of it sticking. Schools were let out early, roads were closed and the base shut down allowing only essential personnel to continue working.

As the day progressed, the roads got worse. People who normally had a 15-20 minute drive home found themselves stuck in traffic for over 5 hours. Children were loaded onto school buses at 12:30 in the afternoon but did not get home until 6pm. John and I ended up staying home, watching movies and catching up on various house chores. I am so glad we didn't have to be anywhere yesterday.

Today, there appears to be no snow on the American base (probably due to it's closeness to the ocean, the salt can melt the snow quickly), but where I live about 5 minutes away, the snow is still piled up inches thick. The roads near our house seem to be clear and it took John only a few minutes to get into work.

Here's some pictures of this wild snowstorm:

Picture taken when I first noticed the snow.

My poor car :(

Our street.

Snow storm in the town!

The snow wouldn't stop!

My hand print.

Our yard.

Another picture after hours of snowfall.

The road in front of our house.

The next day.

This afternoon, snow still sitting in our yard.

1 comment:

  1. Man those poor kids! I would have been hungry.

    I heard that there was a good bit of snow that hit the Tokyo area and it was all over the Japanese news yesterday. Glad you were able to stay in and loaf. :)


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