Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It hasn't been the best of times these past several weeks. I'm prone to bouts of dramatic why-me-ness, and that may be what's going on now......but either way my anxiety levels are through the roof.

My broken hand has been casted and made immobile for four weeks. I broke my right-hand.....and I'm right-handed. Since my left hand isn't used to being used for everything it has been aching and sore. I'm almost two weeks into the cast and can't wait to get it off.

To follow that, my car failed base inspection. It passed two years ago and I didn't make any modifications to the car, but it failed based on things that were previously approved. For example, tire size was wrong, car was too low, and headlights were aiming at the wrong spot. Repairs would have included:

4 new shocks
4 new tires and appropriately sized rims
new front bumper (current one is cracked)
new master brake cylinder

It was easily pushing $1700 for repair costs, parts, and labor. Friends all had advice about where to take my car next to get inspected/fixed, but really there comes a point when you can't/don't want to put more time and energy into your car than it's worth. How many hours am I supposed to spend waiting for various inspections? How much energy is all this really worth?

So, John and I made the decision to buy a new car. We purchased the new car for about $1700 when all is said and done. The new car has been base inspected and won't need another one until after we leave Japan. I am stressing out over the amount of paperwork and people coordinating that goes into getting rid of my old car and buying the new one. I'm hoping to have the car Friday afternoon.

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