Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Travelling to Hawaii

In less than a week, I will be traveling to Hawaii to deliver a dog to one of my long time clients/friends. I'll be in Hawaii for five days before returning to Japan. This will be my 4th time to Hawaii.....but, this post isn't so much about Hawaii as it is to deliver this important message:

If you are even discussing moving to Hawaii from Japan (or any country for that matter) and you have a pet, start looking at Hawaii's pet import requirements NOW. Hawaii does NOT consider Japan to be a "rabies-free" country even though it is considered as such by the rest of the world. Hawaii requires a FAVN blood test and 120 day quarantine before the pet can enter the state. If you brought a pet to Japan, this process should be familiar as its almost identical to Japan's import requirements.

Again, don't wait until the orders are cut. Don't wait until you're 100% sure you're moving to Hawaii. Start the process now! I always hear, "But Hawaii has a 5 day or less quarantine program, right?" Yes, but you have to meet a lengthy list of requirements to qualify and unfortunately few do.

Please read more about it here: http://hdoa.hawaii.gov/ai/aqs/animal-quarantine-information-page/

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