Monday, April 11, 2011

Fitness in Alabama

So anyone that knows me knows I like to run and eat right. It's hard in the city to eat right with so many fast food options and pizza deliveries within 5 minutes of the house.

In the country, there's no fast food places particularly close and no pizza place delivers here. From the time I was young, my parents made every effort to not stock the house with junk food. Bags of chips were air popped or baked. Cookies were bought in small 100 calorie packs. My parents have continued this habit and it's nice to have all sorts of healthy eating options on hand.

The other thing that has been great for fitness is my parents live on a quiet road with only a few other houses. The road is straight then it follows into a large circle (much like a track) with a few houses scattered around the circle. Four times around the circle is about one mile. I took a picture of the run above (first picture). It's quiet, pretty, and humid. It's not like trying to run on the streets of San Diego where you're dodging bikes, cars, and other people.

After my run, I can do some ab and arm workouts in my parent's home gym (second picture). My parents have a recumbent bike, weights, a pull up/roman chair machine, a balance board, and an aerobic step. It's just enough equipment to get the job done.

I'm very thankful my parents have made it easy to stay healthy while I'm here.

I'm not doing anything today. Maybe a few chores to help out my parents. It's nice to relax in a quiet setting. Tonight there's supposed to be a thunderstorm. I haven't heard thunder in a long time, so I'm looking forward to it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. There is no thunder in San Diego? The only time I was there we stayed at a hotel on the beach and I watched a storm roll in over the ocean. Amazing :)

  2. Thunder is extremely rare in San Diego....but then again so are the torrential downpours that plague much of the nation. I miss storms :(


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